Sunday, December 23, 2012

FIPA like treaties with investor-state arbitration miss-lead the public into believing their government is able to exercise sovereign powers.

FIPA is particularly harmful because it denies public access to arbitration case decisions miss-leading the public into believing their government is able to exercise sovereign powers.

Harper's trade mission to India failed in part because FIPA like treaties with investor-state arbitration have hurt India in the past.

Also FIPA treaties are NOT required for trade "Brazil has not ratified a single investment treaty yet its foreign direct investment in 2011 stood at a record $66.7 billion."

India is not alone in questioning investor-state arbitration. South Africa recently declined to renew an investment treaty with Belgium and Luxembourg, and other such treaties are up for non-renewal or cancellation by South Africa. According to a review by the South African government, the treaties “pose risks and limitations on the ability of the government to pursue its constitutional-based transformation agenda”. The review was conducted after individual Italian investors with investments in South Africa’s mining industry brought investor-state arbitration claims against South Africa’s post-apartheid Black Economic Empowerment legislation. In Latin America, several countries have taken steps to limit their exposure to investor-state arbitration. Economic powerhouse Brazil has not ratified a single investment treaty yet its foreign direct investment in 2011 stood at a record $66.7 billion.

Developed countries have also reviewed the impact of investment treaties. In 2011, Australia decided not to include investor-state arbitration in future trade agreements. This decision was made in light of the ongoing threats by U.S. tobacco giant Philip Morris that it would sue the Australian government under an investment treaty for requiring warnings and plain packaging of cigarettes. Phillip Morris has since sued the Australian government under the Australia-Hong Kong investment treaty. Similarly, Philip Morris brought an arbitration claim against Uruguay, under a Switzerland-Uruguay investment treaty, after Uruguay required cigarette health warnings. Public interest groups have argued that investment treaties put pressures on government NOT to introduce environmental and health regulation.

Under FIPA, provincial, regional and municipal governments will be on the hook for payouts without having been party to the creation of this act. Where will the money come from?

Foreign national companies only need threaten. Provincial, Regional and Municipal governments without the resources to fight or chance payouts will block, retract environmental and health regulations protecting the health of Canada and its people.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

To a nation the MOST DANGEROUS thing a citizenry allowing a LIAR to lead them.

To a nation the MOST DANGEROUS thing a citizenry allowing a LIAR to lead them.

No one likes to be made of fool of. Some will deny they have been lied to and refused to learn. Some will claim their deception was justified. But when a deceiving scoffer is exposed and rebuked, the naive gain wisdom.

Don't BE SILENT, shoot the truth, FIGHT.

"Although we like to think of ourselves as living in a mature democracy, we live, instead,in something little better than a benign dictatorship, not under a strict one-party rule, but under a one-party-plus system beset by the factionalism, regionalism and cronyism that accompany any such system.", Our benign dictatorship by Stephen Harper and Tom Flanagan.

The Prime Minister of Canada CONTROLS the appointments of many key figures in Canada's system of governance, including the governor general, the Cabinet, justices of the Supreme Court, senators, heads of crown corporations, ambassadors to foreign countries, the provincial lieutenant governors, and approximately 3,100 other positions. The Prime Minister selects the Cabinet, controls and has predominant role in the  majority of bills before parliament and in the leadership of the Canadian Forces.

With this CONTROL the Prime Minister of Canada is accountable to NO ONE.
Prime Minister able to deny threaded non-confidence votes, holding on to power.
Halting investigations into the Prime Minister's complicit support war crimes and other investigations / legal probes.

The decision to prorogue parliament must be parliamentary vote,  proceeded by legal notice and 10 days of debate. The act of prorogue must not have the power to halt any investigations and/or legal probes.

Again to a nation the MOST DANGEROUS thing a citizenry trusting a LIAR to lead them.

This occurs through unchallenged LIES

The Government conducting political warfare, promoting the Government's political message through a publicly funded media center, what we expect of tyrants. of
Government does not have the moral right to restrict any scientists in Canada speaking directly to the public and the press.

Government does not have the moral right to undermine scientific research which may or may not produce findings in opposition to policies of the Government.
" It's almost that there's no government science being discussed now in Canada"
Our government is proud of n 80% reduction in the discussion of science. I am NOT!

We are fools being LIED to when.
- when the message attacks the opponent rather than their message.
- when the controlled message / slogan is too simple to be informative and is repeated endlessly.
- when easy access to public science is controlled/restricted
- when panic and anxiety is used to demand submission
- when applies social and religious prejudices
- always claims to be the most popular opinion
- nationalization and oversimplification, you are with us or against us
- justified BIG LIE repeated so often as rewrite peoples memories of history and accepted truth

Sunday, October 7, 2012

War of 1812 and rebellion against the undemocratic Family Compact

To understand the war of 1812 you must study the undemocratic self serving Family Compact which nearly destroyed Canada.

These lessons learned can be applied today. Our Government today is an extension of oil exploration business and undemocratic.

In 1810 the Family Compact small closed group of men first began to exercise their practically complete political and judicial power over Upper Canada.
Prior to the war of 1812 Upper Canada lacked the democratic privileges Americans enjoyed. Some attacking Americans believed they would find supporters among the opposition to the Family Compact.

The war of 1812 strengthen the political and judicial power of the Family Compact.

Rebellions of 1837
The Upper Canada Rebellion was an abortive uprising in Upper Canada against Upper Canada oligarchy, the Family Compact, followed by a series of raids, skirmishes, and other small actions over the next year, many of them launched from the United States.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My birthday celerbration

My birthday

thank you everyone, I  listened to Gothic music eating chocolate cheese cake.

And spent my birthday wondering what has happened to Canada.

Corruption is mismanagement

The public's goal for a strong country is met by good management. Good management is minimize government corruption and incompetence to ensure efficient usage of public resources/funds and that that government decisions making is competent and accountable.

Politicians and Parties dedicated to maximizing accountability and minimizing corrupt
ion are good managers.

Clearly the Politicians and Parties who deceive and use Electoral Fraud to gain power will destroy this country we love.

"PM brushes aside calls for robocall judicial inquiry or royal commission"

We must take to the streets. It is the only way to stop tyrants.
When authoritarian PRC, China created Article 23, "any speech arousing to take action could be regarded as illegal and it was a crime to hear such speech and fail to report" It was rushed through the Hong Kong Legislative Council. The July 1 celebration was protest with 500,000 people filled the streets.

Democracy matters, if we don't have Democracy, we have Tyranny

Today we are fighting for Democracy. Against deep corruption that destroys Democracy and Canada the country we love.

We take the torch from failing hands of our fathers who fought and gave their lives in the fight against Tyranny.
In their dying breath they made us promise to protect the liberty they fought for.
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae,
Guelph, Ontario