Sunday, December 23, 2012

FIPA like treaties with investor-state arbitration miss-lead the public into believing their government is able to exercise sovereign powers.

FIPA is particularly harmful because it denies public access to arbitration case decisions miss-leading the public into believing their government is able to exercise sovereign powers.

Harper's trade mission to India failed in part because FIPA like treaties with investor-state arbitration have hurt India in the past.

Also FIPA treaties are NOT required for trade "Brazil has not ratified a single investment treaty yet its foreign direct investment in 2011 stood at a record $66.7 billion."

India is not alone in questioning investor-state arbitration. South Africa recently declined to renew an investment treaty with Belgium and Luxembourg, and other such treaties are up for non-renewal or cancellation by South Africa. According to a review by the South African government, the treaties “pose risks and limitations on the ability of the government to pursue its constitutional-based transformation agenda”. The review was conducted after individual Italian investors with investments in South Africa’s mining industry brought investor-state arbitration claims against South Africa’s post-apartheid Black Economic Empowerment legislation. In Latin America, several countries have taken steps to limit their exposure to investor-state arbitration. Economic powerhouse Brazil has not ratified a single investment treaty yet its foreign direct investment in 2011 stood at a record $66.7 billion.

Developed countries have also reviewed the impact of investment treaties. In 2011, Australia decided not to include investor-state arbitration in future trade agreements. This decision was made in light of the ongoing threats by U.S. tobacco giant Philip Morris that it would sue the Australian government under an investment treaty for requiring warnings and plain packaging of cigarettes. Phillip Morris has since sued the Australian government under the Australia-Hong Kong investment treaty. Similarly, Philip Morris brought an arbitration claim against Uruguay, under a Switzerland-Uruguay investment treaty, after Uruguay required cigarette health warnings. Public interest groups have argued that investment treaties put pressures on government NOT to introduce environmental and health regulation.

Under FIPA, provincial, regional and municipal governments will be on the hook for payouts without having been party to the creation of this act. Where will the money come from?

Foreign national companies only need threaten. Provincial, Regional and Municipal governments without the resources to fight or chance payouts will block, retract environmental and health regulations protecting the health of Canada and its people.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Why Canada failed win a seat on the UN’s Security Council, for the first time in the history of the UN.

Canada failed win a seat  on the UN’s Security Council, for the first time in the history of the UN.

The lack of international support was a direct result of Canada's changed foreign policy. There is a tremendous amount of power to be held by having a seat on the UN’s Security Council. The Harper Government try to win over international diplomats with maple syrup and Canadian beer rather than actual participation in international affairs. Harper also consistently stakes out hawkish ground on international matters.

How the world sees Canada
"The often-combative rookie foreign minister" ( Canada's UN Ambassador John Baird).
UN two weeks ago foreign minister John Baird was the only speaker who wasn't cheered by the General Assembly. the words of the diplomat Aaron David Miller, Canada has largely acted as a neutral broker between the parties. Harper’s comments were controversial for that reason. But instead of backing down, he doubled down.

Canada’s new foreign policy can therefore be said to have begun with Harper’s very first address to Parliament as head of government, in April 2006. Harper’s first speech to the United Nations, in September 2006, he signaled a dramatic shift by questioning the international body’s relevance. Harper’s most noticeable change to Canadian policy has come in regard to Israel. Simply put, Canada is now the single most supportive nation of Israeli policy, exceeding even the United States, Israel’s traditional senior partner.

He is the first prime minister produced by the Canadian New Right that emerged in the 1980s. Canadian New Right comprises neoconservatives, Christian evangelicals, and fiscal conservatives. It is centered in specific regions. It has a powerful voice in newspapers like the National Post and the Sun media chain, and on blogs,

.... Stephen Harper’s foreign policy ..... makes no apologies for stepping on a few toes. From climate change to Israel, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird is willing to shrug off the gripes.

Harper's policies have spurred an unprecedented international backlash against Canada. And, after nearly seven years of this government’s more belligerent and corporate centric foreign policy, displays of opposition are growing.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

To a nation the MOST DANGEROUS thing a citizenry allowing a LIAR to lead them.

To a nation the MOST DANGEROUS thing a citizenry allowing a LIAR to lead them.

No one likes to be made of fool of. Some will deny they have been lied to and refused to learn. Some will claim their deception was justified. But when a deceiving scoffer is exposed and rebuked, the naive gain wisdom.

Don't BE SILENT, shoot the truth, FIGHT.

"Although we like to think of ourselves as living in a mature democracy, we live, instead,in something little better than a benign dictatorship, not under a strict one-party rule, but under a one-party-plus system beset by the factionalism, regionalism and cronyism that accompany any such system.", Our benign dictatorship by Stephen Harper and Tom Flanagan.

The Prime Minister of Canada CONTROLS the appointments of many key figures in Canada's system of governance, including the governor general, the Cabinet, justices of the Supreme Court, senators, heads of crown corporations, ambassadors to foreign countries, the provincial lieutenant governors, and approximately 3,100 other positions. The Prime Minister selects the Cabinet, controls and has predominant role in the  majority of bills before parliament and in the leadership of the Canadian Forces.

With this CONTROL the Prime Minister of Canada is accountable to NO ONE.
Prime Minister able to deny threaded non-confidence votes, holding on to power.
Halting investigations into the Prime Minister's complicit support war crimes and other investigations / legal probes.

The decision to prorogue parliament must be parliamentary vote,  proceeded by legal notice and 10 days of debate. The act of prorogue must not have the power to halt any investigations and/or legal probes.

Again to a nation the MOST DANGEROUS thing a citizenry trusting a LIAR to lead them.

This occurs through unchallenged LIES

The Government conducting political warfare, promoting the Government's political message through a publicly funded media center, what we expect of tyrants. of
Government does not have the moral right to restrict any scientists in Canada speaking directly to the public and the press.

Government does not have the moral right to undermine scientific research which may or may not produce findings in opposition to policies of the Government.
" It's almost that there's no government science being discussed now in Canada"
Our government is proud of n 80% reduction in the discussion of science. I am NOT!

We are fools being LIED to when.
- when the message attacks the opponent rather than their message.
- when the controlled message / slogan is too simple to be informative and is repeated endlessly.
- when easy access to public science is controlled/restricted
- when panic and anxiety is used to demand submission
- when applies social and religious prejudices
- always claims to be the most popular opinion
- nationalization and oversimplification, you are with us or against us
- justified BIG LIE repeated so often as rewrite peoples memories of history and accepted truth

Sunday, October 7, 2012

War of 1812 and rebellion against the undemocratic Family Compact

To understand the war of 1812 you must study the undemocratic self serving Family Compact which nearly destroyed Canada.

These lessons learned can be applied today. Our Government today is an extension of oil exploration business and undemocratic.

In 1810 the Family Compact small closed group of men first began to exercise their practically complete political and judicial power over Upper Canada.
Prior to the war of 1812 Upper Canada lacked the democratic privileges Americans enjoyed. Some attacking Americans believed they would find supporters among the opposition to the Family Compact.

The war of 1812 strengthen the political and judicial power of the Family Compact.

Rebellions of 1837
The Upper Canada Rebellion was an abortive uprising in Upper Canada against Upper Canada oligarchy, the Family Compact, followed by a series of raids, skirmishes, and other small actions over the next year, many of them launched from the United States.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My birthday celerbration

My birthday

thank you everyone, I  listened to Gothic music eating chocolate cheese cake.

And spent my birthday wondering what has happened to Canada.

Corruption is mismanagement

The public's goal for a strong country is met by good management. Good management is minimize government corruption and incompetence to ensure efficient usage of public resources/funds and that that government decisions making is competent and accountable.

Politicians and Parties dedicated to maximizing accountability and minimizing corrupt
ion are good managers.

Clearly the Politicians and Parties who deceive and use Electoral Fraud to gain power will destroy this country we love.

"PM brushes aside calls for robocall judicial inquiry or royal commission"

We must take to the streets. It is the only way to stop tyrants.
When authoritarian PRC, China created Article 23, "any speech arousing to take action could be regarded as illegal and it was a crime to hear such speech and fail to report" It was rushed through the Hong Kong Legislative Council. The July 1 celebration was protest with 500,000 people filled the streets.

Democracy matters, if we don't have Democracy, we have Tyranny

Today we are fighting for Democracy. Against deep corruption that destroys Democracy and Canada the country we love.

We take the torch from failing hands of our fathers who fought and gave their lives in the fight against Tyranny.
In their dying breath they made us promise to protect the liberty they fought for.
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae,
Guelph, Ontario

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dirty tricks from the Conservatives’ years in power:

1. Cooking the Books
The duplicity began in the election that brought the Conservatives to power – the 2006 campaign in which they were promising a new era of transparency and accountability. Via some peculiar accounting practices, the Tories exceeded spending limits in the campaign, providing themselves with an advertising advantage in key ridings. They were later caught, had their offices raided by police and ultimately pled guilty last year to reduced charges of violating financing provisions of the Elections Act.

2. The Hidden Slush Fund
More than $40-million slated for border-infrastructure improvements instead went into enhancement projects in Tony Clement’s riding in preparation for the G-8 summit. To conceal the intent of the spending from legislators, John Baird used the border fund as a “delivery mechanism” for the money.

3. Falsifying Documents
The document-altering scam involving Bev Oda’s office and the aid group Kairos is only one of several instances in which the Tories have been caught document-tampering. They went so far as to alter a report by Auditor General Sheila Fraser to make it look like she was crediting them with prudent financial management when, in fact, it was the Liberals to whom she was referring.

4. War Crime complicit in torture and corruption of justice.
The Conservatives employed a number of authoritarian tactics to avoid culpability on the Afghan detainees’ file. They included an attack on the reputation of diplomat Richard Colvin, the shutting down of Parliament and the disabling of Peter Tinsley’s Military Police Complaints Commission. The Tories denied Tinsley’s commission documents for reasons of national security – even though commission members had national security clearance.

5. The Cotler Misinformation Campaign
In an act described by the Speaker of the Commons, himself a Tory, as reprehensible, Conservatives systematically spread rumours in Irwin Cotler’s Montreal riding that he was stepping down.

6. The Suppression of Damaging Reports
A report of the Commissioner of Firearms that showed the gun registry in a good light was kept hidden by Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan beyond its statutory release deadline. As a consequence, the report escaped the eyes of opposition members before a vote on the registry was taken. It is one of many instances in which the government has suppressed research that runs counter to its ideology.

7. Attempt to Frame the Opposition Leader.
Late in the 2011 election camapign, a senior Conservative operative leaked bogus photos to Sun Media in an attempt to frame Michael Ignatieff as an Iraqi war planner.

8. Communications Lockdown.
The government went to unprecedented lengths to vet, censor and withhold information. After denying legislators information on costs of programs, Harper became the first prime minister in history to be found in contempt of Parliament. The public service has muzzled like never before. Last week, several groups wrote Harper urging him to stop gagging the science community on the question of climate change and other issues. The Tories denied an opposition member accreditation to attend the Durban summit on climate change then lambasted the member for not being there. Journalists have faced myriad restrictions. At one point in the in-and-out affair, PMO officials fled down a hotel fire-escape stairwell, Keystone-Kops style, to avoid the media. On another, the governing party had the police clear a Charlottetown hotel lobby of scribes wishing to cover a Tory caucus meeting.

9. Intimidation and Bullying of Adversaries
The list of smear campaigns against opponents is long. Some that come to mind are Harper’s trying to link Liberal Navdeep Bains to terrorism; Vic Toews’ labelling of distinguished jurist Louise Arbour a “disgrace to Canada” for her views on the Middle East; seeking reprisals against University of Ottawa academic Michael Behiels for being critical of the government; and the dismissal of Nuclear Safety Commission boss Linda Keen who the PM decried as having a Liberal background.

10. The “Citizenship” Dog and Pony Show
As well as being muzzled, civil servants have been put to use for the government’s political benefit. In one such case, the immigration department ordered bureaucrats to act as stand-ins at a fake citizenship reaffirmation ceremony broadcast by Sun TV.

11. Writing the Book on Disrupting Committees
The Tories quietly issued their committee chairpersons a 200-page handbook on how to obstruct the opposition. The handbook recommended barring witnesses who might have embarrassing information. It went so far as to instruct chairpersons to shut down the committees if the going got really tough. The Tories have also issued an order that frees cabinet staffers from ever having to testify before committees. They are resorting more frequently to in-camera committee sessions, away from the public and media eye.

12. Leaking Veterans’ Medical Files
Colonel Pat Stogran, who was dropped as Veterans’ ombudsman after making waves, says he became the target of anonymous defamatory emails and other dirty tricks after criticizing the government. Other veterans, Sean Bruyea and Dennis Manuge, say their medical files have been leaked, going all the way back to 2002, in an attempt to embarrass them.

14. Declaring Brian Mulroney Persona Non Grata
In the wake of the Karlheinz Schreiber cash hand-out controversy, Harper’s team, in its zest to disassociate itself, went so far as to put out the false rumour that Mulroney, who won two majorities for the party, was no longer a card-carrying member.

15. Unreleasing Released Documents
The Conservatives have resorted to the use of shady tactics to de-access the Access to Information system. In one notable instance cabinet staffer Sebastien Togneri ordered officials to unrelease documents that were on their way to the media. Freedom of information specialist Stanley Tromp has catalogued some 46 examples of the government’s shielding and stonewalling.

16. Ejecting Citizens From Rallies
Operatives hauled voters out of Harper rallies in last year’s campaign for the simple reason that they had marginal ties to other parties. The PM was compelled to apologize.

17. Hit Squad On Journalists
Operating under phony email IDs, Conservative staffers have attacked journalists in thousands of online posts in an attempt to discredit them and their work.

18. Dirty Work on Dion
The Conservatives have set records for the use of personal attack ads. In the 2008 campaign they ran an on-line ad which depicted a bird defecating on Stephane Dion’s head. Protests compelled them to withdraw it.

19. Tory Logos on Taxpayer Cheques
The economic recovery program was paid for by taxpayer dollars but the Tories tried to make political gains by putting their party logo – until they were called on it – on billboard-sized cheques. Surveys by journalists showed the money was distributed disproportionately to Conservative ridings and partisans.

20. The Rob Anders Nomination Crackdown
The prime minister has been accused of turning his own party into an echo chamber. When someone tried to exercise her democratic right to challenge Harper loyalist Rob Anders for the nomination in his Calgary riding, Harper’s men descended like a black ops commando unit, seized control of the office, seized control of the riding executive and crushed the bid.

21. The Rights and Democracy Takeover
Groups like Rights and Democracy supposedly operate at arm’s length from the government. But the Harperites, in what journalists described as boardroom terror, removed or suspended board members and stacked the board with pro-Israeli hardliners. As part of the ethical anarchy, a break-in occurred at headquarters.

22. Vote Suppression Tactics
Along with the accusation of pre-recorded robocalls sending voters astray in last election, reports of several other Tory vote suppression tactics have 
surfaced. They include a systematic live-caller operation in which Liberal supporters were peppered with bogus information.

Thanks to Navid for Sharing this on OccupyCanada!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Today we are fighting for Democracy. Against deep corruption that destroys Democracy and Canada the country we love.

We take the torch from failing hands of our fathers who fought and gave their lifes for our liberty.
In their dying breath they made us promise to protect the liberty they fought for.
To you from failing hands we throw
   The torch; be yours to hold it high.
   If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
         In Flanders fields.
Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae,
Guelph, Ontario

"Even more seasoned observers are likely far from surprised. The Conservatives had been playing fast and loose with the Elections Act – and likely violating it – in the past. The fact that they appear to have stepped over the line in a serious way this time, was just one more step in their no holds barred approach to winning elections."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Canada's not so benign dictatorship

Can't we see it.
Canada does not have required checks in place to protect Democracy. Harper wrote on book on this very topic. Canada can easily become an elected dictatorship. Perhaps this is our problem today.

The Conservative Party "may have" or "probably has" achieve a majority as result of Electoral fraud. And with this ill-gained power, be an elected dictatorship. Waiting to the next federal election will allow the Conservative Party to use their effective dictatorship powers to become the state Party by putting in laws to suppress opposition and corruption of justice.

Our benign dictatorship: Canada's system of one party plus rule has stunted democracy. Harper, Stephen and Tom Flanagan
Next City. 2 (2):34 Winter 1996/1997.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Story from Facebook Canada Election Fraud

Linked from

The RCMP has executed a search warrant at the offices of an Edmonton-based call firm hired by the Conservative Party in the last federal election, as police investigate allegations of voter fraud in the growing "robocall" scandal.

List of ridings where fraudulent elections calls were allegedly made has grown to more than 40 ridings!

This could be one of the biggest case of voter suppression in the history of Canada.
1) A criminal investigation; and
2) Accountability at the Prime Minister's Office; and
3) New election (or by-elections in affected ridings),

Stand UP Canadians!
Make the Harper conservatives legally and politically accountable for all their reprehensible actions!

You must vote on this CBC poll to hold an emergency debate on Robo Calls.

ipetition: Depose Stephen Harper And The Current Parliament -

Send a message to all party leaders and your MP demanding a full public enquiry and real consequences for election fraud – Robo Calls. Demand by-elections in all affected ridings.
*** Petition:

Stop Harper: Email/Call The Governor General of Canada David Johnston who has the power to dissolve government and get rid of Harper.

Elections Canada and RCMP Are Investigating 2011 Canadian Election Voter Fraud

The NDP and Liberals say the list of provinces with ridings that received reports of misleading election-related calls now includes Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island...

“Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The Conservatives won their majority with 166 seats. That’s a margin of 11. That means the legitimacy of the Tory majority is in question. It’s simple math.

E-petition: "Tell Canada to Reject the "Bogus" Refugee Bill"

An extensive list of Harper's accomplishments:
Payments to RackNine from local Conservative Campaigns

Send an instant e-message to Vic directly from the following link demanding that he kills the fascist bills such as the Cruel Crime Bill and the Bill allowing police to get customers' private info from IT and Telecommunication providers including IP computer addresses.

Federal MPs phone numbers can be dialed toll-free by calling via the Library of Parliament at 1-866-599-4999.***

Harper's proposed "Cuts" will greatly affect the most poor and most vulnerable People of Canada as well as all Canadian families in the 99%.

Canadians want Jobs not Prisons and Military spending; Pensions, Veterans Benefits, Disability Benefits and Health Care not Corporate Tax Cuts; Equitable Social Programs not Fighter Jets; Human Rights not a Police State; Equal Educational Opportunities, Schools, Health Care, Proper Housing and Living Standards in All Aboriginal Communities not Third World Conditions in Northern Reserves; Green Energy, Clean Water, Air and Soil not Dirty Tar Sands Oil, Publicly Owned Natural Resources, Water, National Parks and CBC... not Privatization to Corporate Ownership.

The government needs to hear from all the Canadians who don't like and don't want Stephen Harper's grand vision for a Canada that no one will recognize.

The conservatives know how many more Corporate Tax Cuts, MP Platinum Pensions, Mega Prisons, Fighter Jets, Foreign Army Bases, "Smart Bombs" and other "Military Spending" can be bought by such "Austerity" measures as changing eligibility for OAS from 65 to 67, Cuts to Veterans Affairs - Veterans' and Disability Benefits Cuts, Eliminating More Than 65,000 civil servants including 100 EI Offices, Social Programs Cuts, Less Food and Airport Safety Inspectors, Closing "Ocean" Search and Rescue Center in Newfoundland, Stripping Collective Bargaining Rights, Privatization of Water, Natural Resources, National Parks and CBC...

Seniors, Aboriginals, Veterans, Disabled Canadians, Unionized and Non-unionized Workers, their Families, the Occupy movement backed up by the rest of the Canadian People have the power to Unite in a Common Cause, for the good of all Canadians.

Use the media List to tell the Media and the Harper Government that Locked-out Electro-Motive Diesel workers need EI immediately since Caterpillar closed and is cleaning out the London plant; Attawapiskat Education funds for a New School and funds needed for site preparation of the 22 new modular homes, must be released immediately; the eligibility for OAS needs to stay at 65 years. The Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page says the cost of elderly benefit programs are affordable in the long term and won't affect Canada's fiscal sustainability.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission says that Ottawa restricts access to federal archives and withholds several key documents on church-run residential schools. Reconciliation Commission is in charge of exposing the dark legacy of the cultural genocide of residential schools, which damaged and destroyed the lives of over 150,000 innocent children and their families.

Charlie Angus accuses Duncan of treating the Attawapiskat community “like a hostage population.” Six aboriginal children from across Canada went to Geneva to tell the United Nations how the federal government is violating their Human Rights. Their motto is “No one should ever have to walk in our moccasins again.”

It must be a priority for the federal government to eliminate the Third World conditions in Attawapiskat and other northern Native Reserves! People are more important than engineless fighter jets and unnecessary prisons. Stop the Apartheid and Genocide against First Nations in Canada. Human Beings as are all equal not Second or Third Class Citizens.

John Duncan cut funds to the Attawapiskat school to try to break the community, which is an abuse of power of public office.

Abuse of children's rights:

The New Brunswick-built, modular homes, which were in Moosonee, Ont., have arrived at Attawapiskat but the site can only be prepared when the funds are released. The third party manager will only release funds after invoices are produced.

The Harper government has been treating the People of Attawapiskat in an extremely disrespectful manner by withholding the funds needed to improve the educational conditions of the children and to meet the housing needs of the community.

The U.N recently condemned Canada's racism on aboriginal people and the negative affect of new immigration policies on refugees claiming asylum in Canada.

After considerable pressure from the children of Attawapiskat, First Nations, Charlie Angus, his supporters, and the U.N's charge of racism in Canada, the Conservatives are set to back motion to end aboriginal education funding gap by fulfilling the dream of Attawapiskat teen Shannen Koostachin.

The cpac vote site:

The number of First Nations under drinking water advisories has grown by nearly 40 per cent since 2006 since the Conservatives took over in 2006: it grew to 131 First Nations in 2011 from 95 in 2006, while the government says it is making progress to improve water quality

A government commissioned study, released in June 2011, found that $4.7 billion over the next decade was needed to keep water and waste-water systems up to standard and meet the needs of growing First Nations population.

The study, by firm Neegan Burnside, said the federal government needs to immediately invest about $1.2 billion to raise reserve-based water and sewage systems to standards set by Aboriginal Affairs - about the same as Security spending for G8/20. Duncan said he has no plans for any major improvements just more regulations.

Canada's federal government neglects the needs of the First Nations in Canada, who have been adversely affected by cancer causing toxic contamination, caused by massive oil and gas development and pipeline leaks. Amnesty International demands justice for the Lubicon Cree of northern Alberta, while it is the duty of the government to honour the Treaty Obligations and protect the People.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.”

The Yinka Dene Alliance filed a complaint of Harper government Racism Violation of International Law. The First Nations sent a representative to the United Nations in Geneva about the Harper government's stated intention to push through the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipelines and tankers project..

Tell the Media and the Harper Government that Locked-out Electro-Motive Diesel workers need EI immediately since Caterpillar closed and is cleaning out the London plant. Demand a public inquiry into the sale of the Canada's "Electro-Motive Diesel" to U.S, Caterpillar Corporation and it's $5 Million Tax Rebate. Boycott CAT products and CAT Rental Stores.

In London, the take-home lockout pay of Electro-Motive Diesel employees was reduced to $250 from their average pay of $950 a week, and their jobs are moving to Muncie Indiana with the closing of the plant.

Local 27 president Tim Carrie says that CAW is preparing to occupy the London Electro-Motive plant unless Caterpillar bargains a severance package.

Since it locked out 460 Canadian workers in January, Caterpillar was waiting for Indiana to cripple trade unions by passing into law a so-called right-to-work bill.

As a result of the Jan.1 lockout, many of the families who stocked up on food are running low. The federal government abandoned any responsibility for the lock-out.

Harper did find it useful to get a photo-op after Caterpillar purchased the Canadian company and pocketed the $5 Million Tax Cuts.

On Jan.21, 15,000 Canadians protested in London in support of the Locked-out workers. CAW national president Ken Lewenza said this is the most recent attack on well-paid, blue-collar workers.

Ken Lewenza says "This struggle started three weeks ago. But in the last five years, 450,000 manufacturing workers in Canada were asked to go home and say to their young children they lost their jobs through no fault of their own."

"Workers are losing their jobs because of the public policy of Stephen Harper that protects the interests of corporations," said Lewenza, who emphasized to the crowd that Caterpillar received $5 million in federal government tax breaks.

London city councillors had voted last Tuesday to send the federal government a letter asking that Electro-Motive workers receive employment insurance until their contract dispute is resolved.

It was London West conservative MP Ed Holder, who offered to present the Electro-Motive petition to parliament but refused to sign it.

Out of work Caterpillar employees continue their protest at the plant in London.

Canadians are supporting the former Caterpillar employees by boycotting Caterpillar products. Marks Work Warehouse and at least one Home Hardware Store has joined in the “CAT Boycott”.

Tuckey Home Hardware, located in Wortley Village in London, Ontario, has pulled all Caterpillar products from its shelves permanently.

Home Hardware head office advised that each store is independently owned and operated and so this decision is up to each store.

Contact Home Hardware Head Office to urge that all their stores join the boycott of all Caterpillar products.
Home Hardware head office - customer-service:1-519-664-2252

The following CAT products are carried by Home Hardware

For a full list of all companies that are boycotting Caterpillar products, check out the "Boycott CAT in Canada" web site:

"Boycott CAT in Canada" Facebook group:

Boycott "CAT The Rental Store" across Canada:

Caterpillar Needs to Pay Back $5 Million to Canadian taxpayers:

Should Canada go on general strike until Stephen Harper resigns?
When you click on the following link, it takes you to your own page with the "general strike" survey at the top:

Sign the petition: Don't let Harper steal your retirement benefits

Harper's government pushes through bill on pension reform with help of Liberals. The"pooled pension" is another form of RRSPs, not pension reform. Charlie Angus

Analysis Of Stephen Harper's Announced Pension Plan Cuts

Send the conservatives an instant message about Pensions on their web site:

Cons are scaring seniors:

Petition to Kill Harper's Crime Bill:

"Economics in One Lesson" here is the free 8mb pdf

Harper government is not protecting water and waste rights from foreign ownership, unlike EU.

Rod Woof speaks about the working conditions for the employees in London after Caterpillar bought Electro-Motive Diesel.

Caterpillar Lockout continues with workers wages slashed in half!

Tremendous outpouring of public support for Locked out CAT employees while Harper and MPs are silent!

Extreme greed: Caterpillar

Wage Imbalance at CAT:

Can Stephen Harper be removed from office?

Harper 2005: "My government will fully preserve Old Age Security"

Mike Rilstone's poster: Why Cat Will Fail

Do You trust Stephen Harper?¬if_t=question_suggest

Corruption in the CRA continues to ruin the lives of Canadian families.
W5: Taxman's secret refunds aided some, others struggled, CTV News.

Irvin Leroux, "Not only are the CRA run by a bunch of clowns, but they can destroy your life and not take any responsibility for their actions. Every politician, tax guy from all levels of government will not touch my case with a 10 foot pole."

Michael Schmidt fights for Food Freedom in Canada with the help of the Canadian Constitution Foundation.
20 armed Ministry of Natural Resources officers in Ontario raid on Glencolton family farm on November 21, 2006 for delivering their cow share owners' milk.

Contact UN for help with elections.

Law Commission of Canada's report on electoral reform:

Media mailing List:

Contact Your federal MPs:

Many thanks to Sid Ryan, president of the Ontario Federation of Labour, Canadian Union of Public Employees national president Paul Moist, and CAW national president Ken Lewenza for supporting communities, unionized and non-unionized workers across Canada! Valerie Hall

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Nelson Mandela

Monday, February 27, 2012

Where Electoral fraud has occurred New elections is the only practical and reasonable response.

Electoral fraud is about the most serious offence that can be committed in Democracy. In national elections, successful electoral fraud can have the effect of a coup d'état or corruption of democracy. Electoral fraud undermines Democracy and may lead the establishment of a dictatorship.

Electoral fraud is illegal interference with the process of an election. Acts of fraud affect vote counts to bring about an election result, whether by increasing the vote share of the favored candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidates, or both.

Impersonating Elections Canada officials and obstructing people's ability to vote is Electoral fraud.

“This is an automated message from Elections Canada. Due to a projected increase in voter turnout, your poll location has been changed. Your new voting location is at the Old Quebec Street Mall, at 55 Wyndham Street North. Once again, your new poll location is at the Old Quebec Street Mall, at 55 Wyndham Street North. If you have any questions, please call our hotline at 1-800-443-4456. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. (French version recorded in another woman’s voice follows.)”

Electoral fraud has occurred in the use of Liberal or NDP supporter list to systematic attempt to depress votes Liberal or NDP votes to the benefit of Conservative riding Candidates.

Leading up to the 2011 election the Federal Conservative Government was found by the Commons procedure and house affairs committee to be in “Contempt of Parliament” for misleading the Commons and withholding information requested by parliamentarians. This was the first time a Westminster parliamentary government has fallen on a contempt of parliament charge. Ever.

Contempt of parliament, like contempt of court, occurs when an individual interferes with parliament carrying out its functions. Such interference can include willfully misleading parliamentary committees, refusing to testify or produce documents, or attempting to influence an MP through some nefarious means.

The Federal Conservative Party required a majority if they were to excape the Contempt of Parliament charges. As result the Federal Conservatvies Party needed a majority at all costs.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

High cost of working in America

After receiving a pay cut yesterday. I sat down and considered the cost of working working in the suburbs vs anywhere accessible by rapid transit.

Annual cost of car ~ $8000
Annual cost of transit ~ $1000


If I decided to take transit into the inaccessible suburbs.
Total commute time by car ~ 45mins * 2 = 1 1/2 hours
Total commute time by transit ~ 2 1/2 hr * 2 = 5 hours (each way 5 bus connections, with bus service at 1/2hr intervals. )
lost income as result of daily 5hr commute ~ $9000
To pay for the extra cost of working in the suburbs without transit access is about $10/hr.

I will happily work in city serviced by good transit for $10/hr less. This high cost for working is why America "Canada/USA" can NOT compete. It affects me personally and I HATE it.