Thursday, March 22, 2012

My birthday celerbration

My birthday

thank you everyone, I  listened to Gothic music eating chocolate cheese cake.

And spent my birthday wondering what has happened to Canada.

Corruption is mismanagement

The public's goal for a strong country is met by good management. Good management is minimize government corruption and incompetence to ensure efficient usage of public resources/funds and that that government decisions making is competent and accountable.

Politicians and Parties dedicated to maximizing accountability and minimizing corrupt
ion are good managers.

Clearly the Politicians and Parties who deceive and use Electoral Fraud to gain power will destroy this country we love.

"PM brushes aside calls for robocall judicial inquiry or royal commission"

We must take to the streets. It is the only way to stop tyrants.
When authoritarian PRC, China created Article 23, "any speech arousing to take action could be regarded as illegal and it was a crime to hear such speech and fail to report" It was rushed through the Hong Kong Legislative Council. The July 1 celebration was protest with 500,000 people filled the streets.

Democracy matters, if we don't have Democracy, we have Tyranny

Today we are fighting for Democracy. Against deep corruption that destroys Democracy and Canada the country we love.

We take the torch from failing hands of our fathers who fought and gave their lives in the fight against Tyranny.
In their dying breath they made us promise to protect the liberty they fought for.
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae,
Guelph, Ontario