Saturday, October 25, 2008

Demographic changes effecting Health Care

At this time I would like to highlight my concerns for British Columbia and Canada. We are about to go through some difficult times. And it is going to be more difficult than many expect. The reason is the aging population of British Columbia and Canada. Just as the aging population will result in a lower rate of violent crimes, it also will also result in a high health care demand for doctors.

Just as business plans for up coming market trends, Governments need to as well. The demand for doctors, dentist, and other health care professionals can be estimated with reasonable confidence. To meet this demand British Columbia needs to train doctors. British Columbia has many good Medical Universities and is able to produce and attract high quality students. The problem is just as British Columbia and Canada can expect an increasing demand for health care professionals so can United States. Many of our trained professionals will leave for the United States almost immediately after graduation.

To attract students into the health care profession I believe British Columbia should offer students up to the estimated number required student loan bonds. Like traditional student loans these cover education and basic living expenses. Unlike conventional student loans, student loan bonds will be forgiven if the student works a few years in Canada. Perhaps 3yrs for undergrad and masters and 5yrs for Phd. Of course students have the option of converting the full cost of their education tuition, living expenses and Provincial/Federal University funding into a loan, if they wish to leave instead of working a few years in Canada.

I believe student loan bonds are an efficient way for British Columbia to prepare for the demand in health care professionals. I also believe 3yrs and 5yrs is sufficiently long, even though this may not be sufficiently long for British Columbia, Canada to be fully compensated for the training cost. I significant number who stay these few short years will make connections with their communities and formal social relationships and as result stay longer.

Since a portion of University funding is Federal, I think it is important to highlight the future demand in health care professionals now and make it a Federal election issue.


Anonymous said...

I am afraid we have lost too much time and we will need doctors from abroad, like the United Kingdom. The problem is the whole western world is aging. This problem will last for 20-30 years and then, when baby boomers will be gone, it will be stabilized again. But till that time we will have to accept a bit lower medical standards I am afraid. You can't attract so many students and you can't educate them so quickly. Unfortunately.
Take care

tdwebste said...

Thanks for pointing out why we need to train students here and now. The demand is expected to increase up significantly after 2011. Now is the time to act.

Since this is nearly a world wide baby boom, I don't see where these immigrant health care professionals are going to come from? And since we need to compete with most of the world they won't be cheap.

We need health professional training and we need to retain the trained health care professionals. I don't see any other way than training a sufficient number via student bonds as I discussed.