Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The lack of cost effective rentals is forcing evermore residents to be Home Speculators.

A strong economy is important.
An accountable Government is even more important.

The lack of cost effective rentals is forcing evermore residents to be Home Speculators.
At the same time speculation Profits are driving money out of the rental market.


Speculation driven home prices also sucks enormous amounts of money into speculative investments out of the economy away from productive investments.

Also excessive housing cost driven by speculation is a major reason families are not having children and economies are suffering as a gray recession result.

1) 30% to 40% of all new development should be Co-Op so that home buyers are not forced to be property speculators. This will free up home owner's money to be spent in the economy stimulating growth through more productive investments.

2) At the provincial level subdivided home lots are too small for redevelopment into mid / high rise buildings and provide no opportunity for community parks to replace peoples back yards. And cul de sac need to be removed to allow for high density communities.

3) At the City level remove individually approved redevelopments creating cronyism and replace it city wide redevelopment regulations.

Another problem with the current individually approved redevelopment, is it hides the land redevelopment value and creates a gambler's game. The gambler's game makes it possible that the land property will be worth a lot more than imaginable today. Of course we don't know which properties will win the payout, But because all the gamblers know that properties will probably eventually pay out, all the gamblers bid up the prices to unimaginable values. Gambler pricing which is speculative pricing ECON101



Yours sincerely,
Timothy Webster
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 5M5, Canada

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