Friday, November 25, 2011

Destruction Conceived by the Corruption of Justice

In international news, early this week Bush and Blair were convicted for war crimes by a less court in Malaysia. But even as alleged criminals do they really have anything to fear. Even as criminals they will mostly like go unpunished as long as the ICC can be vetoed by any of the UN Security Council members. The same is unfortunately true of Harper's Government involvement in torture and corruption of justice.

As long there is no accountability before the Law, justice has been corrupted. The corruption of justice destroys a people.

I purposely have not given verse references, because without reading with a searching mind you will not understand the destruction conceived by the corruption of justice.

"some critics have suggested that Article 16 does not go far enough and in fact undercuts the role of the P-5 by requiring an affirmative vote to stop the prosecutor.(72) The Security Council only has the power to allow an investigation or prosecution to continue, but not to stop one. Conversely, others have expressed fears that the Security Council’s deferral power could eviscerate the independence of the prosecutor and the Court.(73)"

“If some States are able to use the ICC for their political motives, or if some individuals are beyond the reach of the ICC because of their position within a State, the Court will lose credibility, human rights will continue to be violated, and democratic development will be stifled. We understand that some States propose granting the Security Council sweeping powers to determine the docket of the Court. The granting of such powers to an essentially political body is incompatible with the establishment of an effective judicial body. The Court requires total independence in order to guarantee that the highest standards of international justice are respected.”

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