Friday, November 18, 2011

The Monarchy powers the PM currently enjoys MUST be removed.

Quebec is considering sovereignty to escape Harper's tyrannical rule.

"This isn't a tough-on-crime measure we're seeing today — it's a tough-on-democracy measure," Quebec Justice Minister Jean-Marc Fournie

He said he will now study all measures available so that Quebec can maintain its own approach to crime-fighting.

Quebec says it can't understand why, with some of the lowest crime rates in the country, its own lenient approach would be ignored in favour of expensive policies that have failed elsewhere.

"This is a clear illustration — yet another illustration but a very, very serious illustration — of the major dysfunction that the Canadian federation can cause," said PQ justice critic Veronique Hivon.

Harper is not tough-on-crime. If he was he would demand full investigation into Afghanistan corruption and relate torture, G20/G8. He would not game the election spending regulations in clear violation of their legal intent.

Harper is tough on democracy.

Write your provincial MPP, and ask them to seek sovereignty to escape Harper's tough-on-democracy.

Tell them you do not want the Federal Government and Secrete Police of CSIS systematically secretly monitoring your every action without cause. You do not want to be secretly detained without warrant and intensely questioned without a reason given for doing so. You do not want the Government using copyright legislation as a means of restricting access to its documents and denying accountability.

Demand full disclosure of pre-election political advertising. Demand full disclosure of all media financial transactions.

Democracy only works when an informed public votes in fair elections. Democracy does not work when elections are bought.

Stop undue influence and conflict of interest, Demand a permanent ban on X politicians from becoming lobbyist.
Demand the monarchy powers the PM currently enjoys be removed. These unrestricted powers to appoint and influence appointees, removes all accountability and provides the PM dictatorial powers.

1 comment:

tdwebste said...

Write your provincial MPP, and ask them to seek sovereignty to escape Harper's tough-on-democracy.

Tell them you do not want the Federal Government and Secrete Police of CSIS systematically secretly monitoring your every action without cause. You do not want to be secretly detained without warrant and intensely questioned without a reason given for doing so. You do not want the Government using copyright legislation as a means of restricting access to its documents and denying accountability.

Demand full disclosure and mandatory publishing of pre-election political advertising. Demand full disclosure of all media financial transactions. Regulated political advertisement spending during the pre-election. As every politician can tell you most people decided who to vote during the pre-election. Only the "swing" vote changes their mind during the election. Unregulated pre-elections is destructive to democracy in Canada. European democracies avocate pre-election political advertising. "Council of Europe, Corruption and democracy: Political finances - conflicts of interest - lobbying - justice (2008)"

Democracy only works when an informed public votes in fair elections. Democracy does not work when elections are bought.

Stop undue influence and conflict of interest, Demand a permanent ban on past politicians and high ranked civil servants from becoming lobbyist.
Demand the monarchy powers the PM currently enjoys be removed. These unrestricted powers to appoint and influence appointees, removes all accountability and provides the PM dictatorial powers.