Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Story from Facebook Canada Election Fraud

Linked from

The RCMP has executed a search warrant at the offices of an Edmonton-based call firm hired by the Conservative Party in the last federal election, as police investigate allegations of voter fraud in the growing "robocall" scandal.

List of ridings where fraudulent elections calls were allegedly made has grown to more than 40 ridings!

This could be one of the biggest case of voter suppression in the history of Canada.
1) A criminal investigation; and
2) Accountability at the Prime Minister's Office; and
3) New election (or by-elections in affected ridings),

Stand UP Canadians!
Make the Harper conservatives legally and politically accountable for all their reprehensible actions!

You must vote on this CBC poll to hold an emergency debate on Robo Calls.
*** http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/02/25/pol-rae-robocalls-saturday.htm

ipetition: Depose Stephen Harper And The Current Parliament -
*** http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/deposeharper/donatel

Send a message to all party leaders and your MP demanding a full public enquiry and real consequences for election fraud – Robo Calls. Demand by-elections in all affected ridings.
*** Petition: http://www.leadnow.ca/robocall-fraud

Stop Harper: Email/Call The Governor General of Canada David Johnston who has the power to dissolve government and get rid of Harper.

Elections Canada and RCMP Are Investigating 2011 Canadian Election Voter Fraud

The NDP and Liberals say the list of provinces with ridings that received reports of misleading election-related calls now includes Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island...


“Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The Conservatives won their majority with 166 seats. That’s a margin of 11. That means the legitimacy of the Tory majority is in question. It’s simple math.

E-petition: "Tell Canada to Reject the "Bogus" Refugee Bill"

An extensive list of Harper's accomplishments:
Payments to RackNine from local Conservative Campaigns





Send an instant e-message to Vic directly from the following link demanding that he kills the fascist bills such as the Cruel Crime Bill and the Bill allowing police to get customers' private info from IT and Telecommunication providers including IP computer addresses.

Federal MPs phone numbers can be dialed toll-free by calling via the Library of Parliament at 1-866-599-4999.***

Harper's proposed "Cuts" will greatly affect the most poor and most vulnerable People of Canada as well as all Canadian families in the 99%.

Canadians want Jobs not Prisons and Military spending; Pensions, Veterans Benefits, Disability Benefits and Health Care not Corporate Tax Cuts; Equitable Social Programs not Fighter Jets; Human Rights not a Police State; Equal Educational Opportunities, Schools, Health Care, Proper Housing and Living Standards in All Aboriginal Communities not Third World Conditions in Northern Reserves; Green Energy, Clean Water, Air and Soil not Dirty Tar Sands Oil, Publicly Owned Natural Resources, Water, National Parks and CBC... not Privatization to Corporate Ownership.

The government needs to hear from all the Canadians who don't like and don't want Stephen Harper's grand vision for a Canada that no one will recognize.

The conservatives know how many more Corporate Tax Cuts, MP Platinum Pensions, Mega Prisons, Fighter Jets, Foreign Army Bases, "Smart Bombs" and other "Military Spending" can be bought by such "Austerity" measures as changing eligibility for OAS from 65 to 67, Cuts to Veterans Affairs - Veterans' and Disability Benefits Cuts, Eliminating More Than 65,000 civil servants including 100 EI Offices, Social Programs Cuts, Less Food and Airport Safety Inspectors, Closing "Ocean" Search and Rescue Center in Newfoundland, Stripping Collective Bargaining Rights, Privatization of Water, Natural Resources, National Parks and CBC...

Seniors, Aboriginals, Veterans, Disabled Canadians, Unionized and Non-unionized Workers, their Families, the Occupy movement backed up by the rest of the Canadian People have the power to Unite in a Common Cause, for the good of all Canadians.

Use the media List to tell the Media and the Harper Government that Locked-out Electro-Motive Diesel workers need EI immediately since Caterpillar closed and is cleaning out the London plant; Attawapiskat Education funds for a New School and funds needed for site preparation of the 22 new modular homes, must be released immediately; the eligibility for OAS needs to stay at 65 years. The Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page says the cost of elderly benefit programs are affordable in the long term and won't affect Canada's fiscal sustainability. http://soc.li/6vraI2L http://www.cbc.ca/..

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission says that Ottawa restricts access to federal archives and withholds several key documents on church-run residential schools. Reconciliation Commission is in charge of exposing the dark legacy of the cultural genocide of residential schools, which damaged and destroyed the lives of over 150,000 innocent children and their families.

Charlie Angus accuses Duncan of treating the Attawapiskat community “like a hostage population.” Six aboriginal children from across Canada went to Geneva to tell the United Nations how the federal government is violating their Human Rights. Their motto is “No one should ever have to walk in our moccasins again.”

It must be a priority for the federal government to eliminate the Third World conditions in Attawapiskat and other northern Native Reserves! People are more important than engineless fighter jets and unnecessary prisons. Stop the Apartheid and Genocide against First Nations in Canada. Human Beings as are all equal not Second or Third Class Citizens.

John Duncan cut funds to the Attawapiskat school to try to break the community, which is an abuse of power of public office.

Abuse of children's rights:

The New Brunswick-built, modular homes, which were in Moosonee, Ont., have arrived at Attawapiskat but the site can only be prepared when the funds are released. The third party manager will only release funds after invoices are produced.

The Harper government has been treating the People of Attawapiskat in an extremely disrespectful manner by withholding the funds needed to improve the educational conditions of the children and to meet the housing needs of the community.

The U.N recently condemned Canada's racism on aboriginal people and the negative affect of new immigration policies on refugees claiming asylum in Canada.

After considerable pressure from the children of Attawapiskat, First Nations, Charlie Angus, his supporters, and the U.N's charge of racism in Canada, the Conservatives are set to back motion to end aboriginal education funding gap by fulfilling the dream of Attawapiskat teen Shannen Koostachin.

The cpac vote site: http://www.cpac.ca/forms/index.asp?dsp=template&act=view3&template_id=46&hl=e

The number of First Nations under drinking water advisories has grown by nearly 40 per cent since 2006 since the Conservatives took over in 2006: it grew to 131 First Nations in 2011 from 95 in 2006, while the government says it is making progress to improve water quality

A government commissioned study, released in June 2011, found that $4.7 billion over the next decade was needed to keep water and waste-water systems up to standard and meet the needs of growing First Nations population.

The study, by firm Neegan Burnside, said the federal government needs to immediately invest about $1.2 billion to raise reserve-based water and sewage systems to standards set by Aboriginal Affairs - about the same as Security spending for G8/20. Duncan said he has no plans for any major improvements just more regulations.

Canada's federal government neglects the needs of the First Nations in Canada, who have been adversely affected by cancer causing toxic contamination, caused by massive oil and gas development and pipeline leaks. Amnesty International demands justice for the Lubicon Cree of northern Alberta, while it is the duty of the government to honour the Treaty Obligations and protect the People.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.”

The Yinka Dene Alliance filed a complaint of Harper government Racism Violation of International Law. The First Nations sent a representative to the United Nations in Geneva about the Harper government's stated intention to push through the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipelines and tankers project..

Tell the Media and the Harper Government that Locked-out Electro-Motive Diesel workers need EI immediately since Caterpillar closed and is cleaning out the London plant. Demand a public inquiry into the sale of the Canada's "Electro-Motive Diesel" to U.S, Caterpillar Corporation and it's $5 Million Tax Rebate. Boycott CAT products and CAT Rental Stores.

In London, the take-home lockout pay of Electro-Motive Diesel employees was reduced to $250 from their average pay of $950 a week, and their jobs are moving to Muncie Indiana with the closing of the plant.

Local 27 president Tim Carrie says that CAW is preparing to occupy the London Electro-Motive plant unless Caterpillar bargains a severance package.


Since it locked out 460 Canadian workers in January, Caterpillar was waiting for Indiana to cripple trade unions by passing into law a so-called right-to-work bill.

As a result of the Jan.1 lockout, many of the families who stocked up on food are running low. The federal government abandoned any responsibility for the lock-out.

Harper did find it useful to get a photo-op after Caterpillar purchased the Canadian company and pocketed the $5 Million Tax Cuts.

On Jan.21, 15,000 Canadians protested in London in support of the Locked-out workers. CAW national president Ken Lewenza said this is the most recent attack on well-paid, blue-collar workers.

Ken Lewenza says "This struggle started three weeks ago. But in the last five years, 450,000 manufacturing workers in Canada were asked to go home and say to their young children they lost their jobs through no fault of their own."

"Workers are losing their jobs because of the public policy of Stephen Harper that protects the interests of corporations," said Lewenza, who emphasized to the crowd that Caterpillar received $5 million in federal government tax breaks.

London city councillors had voted last Tuesday to send the federal government a letter asking that Electro-Motive workers receive employment insurance until their contract dispute is resolved.

It was London West conservative MP Ed Holder, who offered to present the Electro-Motive petition to parliament but refused to sign it.

Out of work Caterpillar employees continue their protest at the plant in London.

Canadians are supporting the former Caterpillar employees by boycotting Caterpillar products. Marks Work Warehouse and at least one Home Hardware Store has joined in the “CAT Boycott”.

Tuckey Home Hardware, located in Wortley Village in London, Ontario, has pulled all Caterpillar products from its shelves permanently.

Home Hardware head office advised that each store is independently owned and operated and so this decision is up to each store.

Contact Home Hardware Head Office to urge that all their stores join the boycott of all Caterpillar products.
Home Hardware head office - customer-service:1-519-664-2252

The following CAT products are carried by Home Hardware

For a full list of all companies that are boycotting Caterpillar products, check out the "Boycott CAT in Canada" web site:

"Boycott CAT in Canada" Facebook group:


Boycott "CAT The Rental Store" across Canada:

Caterpillar Needs to Pay Back $5 Million to Canadian taxpayers:

Should Canada go on general strike until Stephen Harper resigns?
When you click on the following link, it takes you to your own page with the "general strike" survey at the top:

Sign the petition: Don't let Harper steal your retirement benefits

Harper's government pushes through bill on pension reform with help of Liberals. The"pooled pension" is another form of RRSPs, not pension reform. Charlie Angus

Analysis Of Stephen Harper's Announced Pension Plan Cuts

Send the conservatives an instant message about Pensions on their web site:

Cons are scaring seniors:

Petition to Kill Harper's Crime Bill:

"Economics in One Lesson" here is the free 8mb pdf

Harper government is not protecting water and waste rights from foreign ownership, unlike EU.

Rod Woof speaks about the working conditions for the employees in London after Caterpillar bought Electro-Motive Diesel.

Caterpillar Lockout continues with workers wages slashed in half!

Tremendous outpouring of public support for Locked out CAT employees while Harper and MPs are silent!

Extreme greed: Caterpillar

Wage Imbalance at CAT:

Can Stephen Harper be removed from office?

Harper 2005: "My government will fully preserve Old Age Security" http://youtu.be/WPlkTpojy08

Mike Rilstone's poster: Why Cat Will Fail

Do You trust Stephen Harper?

Corruption in the CRA continues to ruin the lives of Canadian families.
W5: Taxman's secret refunds aided some, others struggled, CTV News.

Irvin Leroux, "Not only are the CRA run by a bunch of clowns, but they can destroy your life and not take any responsibility for their actions. Every politician, tax guy from all levels of government will not touch my case with a 10 foot pole."

Michael Schmidt fights for Food Freedom in Canada with the help of the Canadian Constitution Foundation.
20 armed Ministry of Natural Resources officers in Ontario raid on Glencolton family farm on November 21, 2006 for delivering their cow share owners' milk. http://www.theccf.ca/

Contact UN for help with elections.

Law Commission of Canada's report on electoral reform:

Media mailing List:

Contact Your federal MPs:

Many thanks to Sid Ryan, president of the Ontario Federation of Labour, Canadian Union of Public Employees national president Paul Moist, and CAW national president Ken Lewenza for supporting communities, unionized and non-unionized workers across Canada! Valerie Hall

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Nelson Mandela

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